Lambert Fick, a famous optometrist from Stellenbosch, has endorsed our program for years.
He has been practising optometry in Stellenbosch since 1982. Through vision therapy and the correct pair of spectacles, he has assisted many children to reach their full potential in school and in life.
Here are some tips that Lambert Fick recommends:
Outdoor Activites
Encourage outdoor play or sport activities that require seeing beyond arm’s length. Walk outside for an hour per day. When outdoors, sight a distant object at eye level. At the same time, be aware of what and where things are on all sides.
Stress-Relieving Lenses
Stress-relieving lenses are often prescribed for children and adults. They are worn for all near tasks, reading, studying, computer and cellphone. The lenses are designed to make near seeing easier, clearer or larger. They are prescribed to make learning and seeing easier.
Reading and Writing
Sit upright. Avoid reading while lying on the floor, on your stomach, or on your side. Be aware of the space between the self and the page when reading. Also, be aware of things around and beyond the book.
Distance (Read, Write and Cellphone)
Do all near point activities at Harmon distance or slightly further. This is the distance from the centre of the middle knuckle to the centre of the elbow, measured on the outside of the arm, starting from the nose.
If you are righthanded the light must shine over your left shoulder and if you are lefthanded the light must shine over your right shoulder when you read or write.
Reading and Writing Angle
All reading and writing, besides being done at the proper distance, also, for best functioning, should be sloped in front of you at a 22º angle.

Hold the pencil at least 2.5 cm from the lead, to allow your eyes to guide your movements without having to tilt your head. Use a pencil grip if necessary.
Writing Position
Writing material should be aligned with the angle determined by handedness.

The opposite hand should be placed at the side of the paper to hold it in place.
Look Occasionally Up
Take a 20-second vision break every 20 minutes, to look at far-away objects or take a walk. When reading look occasionally up at a specific distant object and let its details come into focus. Maintain awareness of other objects, and details surrounding them.
Television Watching
Do not sit any closer to the TV than 2 to 3 meters and sit upright. Television watching does not exercise all visual skills, so limit it to a few hours daily. Do not watch television in the dark.
Motor Riding
When riding in a car look outside. Avoid reading, cellphone and other near activities. Look at sights in the distance for identification and interest.