The Reading Program was devised by the late Dr Rose Botha who had 60 years of teaching experience. The program is now in use for 21 years.
Dokka Swart and Hannelize Upsher have been involved with the development of Do and Learn since the year 2000.
Nicolette joined the team in 2019 as a learning support specialist.

My passion in life is to train more educators to pursue the same dream as me. I find my greatest joy in the smile on the face and the sparkle in the eyes of a child who thought it was impossible to learn to read!
Qualification: BA (HED) Higher Education Diploma
Contact number: 082 940 6394
Email: dokka@doandlearn.site

I have a passion and calling to understand the needs of all learners, helping them learn and excel to their full potential becoming the person they are meant to be.
- Degree in Foundation Phase Education
- Advanced degree in Learning Support and Special Needs
- Honours Degree Education in Psychology
Contact number: 082 324 2064
Email: nicolette@doandlearn.site

My mother’s mission was to teach South Africa to read. In doing so her legacy is an inspiration to us all. I am the force behind our administration, orders, and bookkeeping.
Qualification: BSc Sport Science and Psychology
Contact number: 082 825 8388
Email: hannelize@doandlearn.site

The outcome with special needs pupils is immediately noticeable.

The success lies in the simplicity – it is easy to do and teach.

It is a South African product.

It’s available in Afrikaans, English and Xhosa.
Business Opportunity
Help kids learn to read and write by implementing the Do and Learn course material as a curriculum at your school or centre.
- Teaching and earning an income opportunity
- A person registered with Do & Learn Instructors will generate an income and is not limited to any school or area
- Books for learners will be purchased from Do and Learn
- An income on fees charged
- Earn 15 % on Do and Learn material sold by you
- All training Included
- Target Market: preschoolers, any person learning to read, special needs learners, foreigners or as a second language
School Opportunity
You can help create a school environment where quality and effective reading, writing and mathematic skills are enhanced and promoted. By empowering schools and educators with the Do and Learn methodology, more schools and children can have access to course materials and learn. Research have shown that readers become our leaders building a better South Africa.
- Package bought by the school
- Educators receive training to teach learners the Do and Learn method in class as part of the curriculum
- Schools may not generate an income with these packages
- A Package is limited in the use at one school- not to share between schools
- Books for learners purchased from Do and Learn
- Target Market: Grade 1 to 12 learners
Parents Opportunity
The Do and Learn equips parents with basic skills to address challenges their child might have with confidence and comprehension when reading and learning.
- Package purchased by parents for family use
- Gives the parent the opportunity to teach the child at home
- Limited to home use only
- Target Market: Parents, homeschooling learners or international use
Do and Learn wants to achieve the following goals by 2022.